Contentment: a state of happiness and satisfaction
This photo is from the gift shop I volunteer for at the local hospital. I have my R.N. but because I could not commit over a year, I am volunteering. After some time it becomes discouraging. I sit, jealously watching R.N.s walk to and from various places while I sell items from the gift shop.
Philippians 4: A chapter I will blog on more than once.
"Not that to speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all things through him who gives me strength." 4:11-13Paul was in prison, his fate was unknown, he hungered and much more. However, he was content. Why? Because Christ gave him strength (vs 13)!
Then, how much more should I be able to find contentment in my circumstances? I am well fed (probably overly so), well clothed, I have a home, a husband, a great family and a cat.
Lessons learned: my contentment comes from God and the fact that I have eternal life. I do this(volunteering) for Him Col 3:17. He gave me my license as an R.N. and it is His to have. Whenever I find myself wishing for that position or wondering why I am volunteering I remember that I am doing it for His glory. I also remember that He does know my frustrations but that with His strength I can learn to be content in this situation.
Paul also says " I have learned" meaning this takes learning. I'm not perfect and definitely not content in every situation but with time and experience I can learn to be. I just have to press on and keep my eye on the goal, our finish line, which is being in heaven with God.
What/Where do you find yourself lacking contentment?
Write down or just think about all the things God has blessed you with. Know that you can go to Him for strength everyday by reading His word and praying to Him. Don't forget to praise Him for all that He has given you.
Just an extra photo of Milo today...