Monday, January 31, 2011


I just realized how much I relied on my phone for communication, when it broke. Today, I went around downtown to take a few photos, but kept thinking that I needed to be home to receive updates via email. How I am so dependent on the little things for communication is beyond me! While driving, I knew that I needed to be more dependent on God and keep communicating with Him, instead of using things to make me feel "in control". I quote that because we are never really in control. How often I know that but forget to act on faith! 

   "Such is the destiny of all who forget God; 
so perishes the hope of the godless. 
What they trust in is fragile; 
   what they rely on is a spider’s web. 
They lean on the web, but it gives way; 
   they cling to it, but it does not hold." - 
Job 8:13-15


Love the reflection: makes me think... what are we reflecting?


two benches facing each other on a random street. 

old store

This is where we had dinner tonight. Yum! 

Sunday, January 30, 2011


I only had time to take one photo: 

It's famously known by pilots as the "Q-tip" for obvious reasons.

It brightens up my day when I drive by it and imagine that it's a real Q-tip that some giant stuck in the ground! I hope I never grow out of my kid-like imagination that God gave all of us... don't you? God Bless you in your upcoming week, and know that whatever giants you face this week, God is bigger!  *veggie tale anyone?*

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Flowers, Sniffles, and Pillows.

So, I've been sick all weekend and my husband isn't able to be here to take care of me. I've been drinking lots of tea and disinfecting almost everything twice a day and today I felt better. So I went out to work on some projects for our place, that way when my husband gets back, he can be a good way. 

Planting... hopefully I dont kill them too soon.

I found this sign at Ross: super cute! 

Love flowers but this is my first time planting them.

made a bit of a mess on our porch 

Nothing like the smell of rosemary...

Watching "I Love Lucy" while making throw pillows for our couches.

         This pillow is long and thin with a little ribbon, but the ribbon really didn't go well so I took it off.

My quilt pattern pillow...  

 And, like always, trying to improve my photography skills. 

“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” - Ephesians 4:2


(photo taken welcoming in the new year)

I love beginning new things. It is like an open door for opportunities and challenges that hopefully improve your skills, strengths, and personality in the end. I also believe God gives us new beginnings and He shows us through the simple things in life, that when we think we got a hold of something, we still mess up/ have our bad days. That doesn't mean we just give up or are back to where we started, it just means we are human. 
Lessons of His grace, mercy, love and forgiveness can certainly be found in everyday life. So this is the beginning of my adventures in the more artsy side of me. Along the way there will be many ups and downs..... ok, here we go!