Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Will be back soon...

My husband is back! So I'll be taking a break, Still going through Joshua, just have to backtrack a bit. :)

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Crossing the Jordan

I've been spending the couple of months contemplating, what seems to me, to be one of my  major life decisions. Unlike times in the past, where I'd make a choice and leave it up to some board to decide praying that God would either close or open the door, this time it's my choice. Oh how I loath choices! I'm the type of person that wants to be 100% sure about something. If I cant be I want to be at least 95% sure. (example: It took me 4 months, countless trips to various cities, hours looking online all to pick out one couch... I haven't even gotten started on the side tables/chairs!)  

So I'm glad I'm not Joshua, honestly I'm more like the Israelites, "God are you SURE?". 

Joshua (chapters 3-4) had the tribes follow after the Arc of the Covenant when it passed. It led them to the Jordan river - which the Bible says was flooding at that time- The priests took a step in the river with the Arc and the waters seized to flow. This made for an easy crossing into the promise land.  However, it wasn't an easy task God asked them to do (to follow and trust in Him in crossing into a new land via raging river). Sometimes our choices or lots in life aren't easy, in my case both sides of my decision will mean I have to trust in God and neither circumstance in the end will be an easy one.  Can we trust in God? Most certainly! Is it easy... NO! 

The Arc of the Covenant is our picture of the Lord, and Israel had to make the choice to follow Him. Just like we do, out of trust, obedience and prayer.  We make our decisions based off what Scripture says. We trust that the Lord will help us and guide and make sure our decisions align with God's word. 

Right now, I can see how both sides of my decision line up with God's word, more so in one way than the other... 

Oh Praise God that in my life I will always be learning to rely on God, Praise God that I am able to serve Him in my life here below for whatever time I have and in whatever place I am.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

A Different Kind of Beauty

What do we, as women, strive to be? Beautiful for the most part (or beautiful and brains if we could, hehe). Why else are our bathrooms cluttered with hair care, makeup, several types of equipment, etc? 

Rahab was beautiful... and if you're reading Joshua chapter 2 you'll notice she's smart too (hides the spies in her roof and plans ahead for their escape). 

But notice that in Hebrews 11 it mentions her for her faith. Not her beauty not her brains and definitely not by her good works (umm one word ... prostitute). Instead it was by her faith. She had faith that the Lord of the Israelites is the true God.  So the spies had her put a scarlet ribbon on her window so no one would harm her. Just like at the passover! 

But what is faith? 

Hebrews 11:1 states "Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." 

We all hope in things we dont quite understand or see; so we all have faith in a variety of things. Unfortunately, when we put our hope in other people or stability those things will fail us. If we put hope on ourselves we will fail ourselves (trying to do enough good works to get to heaven...)  Lots of people when they are first married put their hope and trust in their marriage partner and wind up disappointed that they didn't marry the perfect person. It may be even putting your hope on finding happiness in the things or job you want (I raise my hand to most all of these). 

The thing is, we need to put our faith (our hope and assurance) on the very fact that God sent Jesus to be our perfect redemption (our scarlet ribbon/ the blood that redeems us). 

My reminder for myself today is that when people fail me that I'll know that my hope is on Jesus, that my assurance is on His love and that I'd keep focused on the eternal aspect and not so much on my beauty, my brains (or lack thereof), my job or even my husband (love you babe!). So when those things fail me which they all will - I have the hope of eternity. 

I love you all!