Friday, June 20, 2014

For Nurses: Ideas for How To Organize Your Supplies in Your Car

I know this is different than the usual posts, but after several unsuccessful attempts of trying to post in a nursing forum, I've resorted to this blog spot. I apologize in advance for those of you not interested in this stuff - and I'll throw in a quick apology for my humor or lack thereof. 

When I first began hospice nursing I looked up tips on how to organize my car for the extra supplies I may need during home visits. There were only 2 forums that I found but neither of them really helped me. So I created my own system and over time it became more and more organized. 

I believe all organizing starts out this way. Starting with grouping - you attempt at your basic organizational set-up and then over time you narrow down to a more detailed organization. 

It's a process, a very long process, but it's a process that we all hope results in a reward. The reward being that you can find what you need when you need it or just show off to your coworkers, whatever, I wont judge. 

I'm sure my system will change again as I go along, but until then I hope this helps someone who is seeking advice on organizing their patient supplies. 

So here you go Home Health/Hospice Nurses,
Use this as your guideline to create your own system!

Items Used: 
1 large clear box - 
1Medium clear box
 1 Small box
Rubber Bands
Index cards
Label Maker
Gallon, Pint and Sandwich Ziplock Freezer Bags
 (freezer bags are more heavy duty )

3 Boxes for me makes it easy to take it out of my trunk and store it when I'm not working. 

My Trunk: (Right Side=  Large box, Bed pans and Foley items i.e.: leg bags, irrigation kits, insertion kits, extra iodine - etc. Middle = Medium box wound care items like duoderms, aquacels, tegaderms, gauze, tape, normal saline, ointments like A&D, calmoseptine - a skin barrier cream, triple antibiotic, surgilube, etc) to Left Side= Small Box misc./other i.e.: enema, cat litter - for disposing rx, ace wrap, mouth swabs, specimen collection containers, blood draw items ... literally etc and normally stuff I don't use as often. Back = boxes of gloves, adult briefs and chux. These items I only cary a handful because the home health aids deliver these each week on their visits but I have them just in case. ) You can lay your foley catheters flat in front, on top or to the side of the foley supplies box. I'm lucky in that my trunk normally stays the coolest out of my whole car, must be an old car, so take temperature into consideration when organizing your items. 

More close up view....
Here is what I did with the foley catheters. First I grouped the foley catheters by size. See below I have size 16 french with various balloons. I grouped all size 16, 18, 20 and 22. I cut an index card in a fourth, wrote on the index card and hole punched the index card. I stuck the rubber band through the index card it and loosely wrapped it around the foley catheters - not tight - you don't want to kink those things! I love that I can just grab the size I need...Also by doing it this way I will know how many I have left of, say, size 16. Store these catheters flat.

To the Left: I have all my irrigation and insertion kits. I grouped them by 2 using a rubber band. That way I can easily grab 2 when I go into a patients house that needs a foley insertion/irrigation. 
Why take two? Just in case you make a mistake, but since you probably never make mistakes then you have an extra one to leave at the house for the future on-call nurse. That nurse will love you for being prepared and leaving an extra for them 
(that on-call nurse being me!)

Left: is a close up of the gallon bag I used to label "cath bags" (I dont like using too much label tape so I abbreviate everything - label tape is expensive, man!) Organizing doesn't have to cost much - just use what you have! I find that gallon, pint and sandwich bags are space savers compared to using boxes.  This "Cath Bags" bag - contains those fancy leg straps, leg bags and bed bags. Now we're getting somewhere! 

Below: I have wound care and related items. Using a large bag, I labeled a category of items used. Then using smaller bags to group specific items that fell under that category. Place these small bagged items in the category bag.
IE: All those annoying, but oh-so-helpful, little packets of ointments! Like triple antibiotic ointments, skin protector ointment, A&D ointment etc. For those I put all my triple antibiotic in a sandwich bag and labeled it "AAA", Calmoseptine which I labeled "Calmo" and etc.  I put those smaller labeled bags of ointment in a larger bag and labeled it "Ointments".  
So when I open the bag "ointments" I can quickly flip through the inner bags and grab the ointment i need without having to pull them all out! (see pictures below) I did this same technique with my wound dressings and gauze. For larger flat dressing items that don't fit in a bag (i.e. sacral wound dressings) I placed those on the bottom of the box. For other misc wound care supplies I put in their own bag, like sterile q-tips or kerlix wrap. In case you couldn't tell, I love wound care so I dedicated a whole box for it! 

On the side of my wound care box I keep a few bottles of normal saline and some tape. I always leave these at the patient home/facility if they have wounds (I go through tape and NS like candy - very sticky salty candy.... by having it here I can see that I need to refill on my tape and NS supplies- like pronto!)

Could I go on? Why yes I could, but for your sake I wont. 

Comment below if you found this helpful, would like more, or if you have your own tricks up your *ahem* trunk. 

Hope you have a wonderful blessed day! 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

How to Study the Bible.

Here is a wonderful quick tip about how to read the Bible if you've been reading it or if you've never read it (it's about a minute long audio) in this link by John MacArthur.  I hope to put it into practice and maybe you will too - I'm a slow reader so 7 chapters is a lot for me. Now just imagine reading your Bible on a warm southern california beach in the picture above!  Maybe 7 chapters wouldn't seem so long then -haha! I can't remember the name of this beach in SoCal - but I do remember it being too windy to actually enjoy it plus it was November, I digress... Here you go:


Sunday, March 23, 2014

we offer what we have from the heart

But know that the LORD hath set apart him that is godly for himself: the LORD will hear when I call unto him.
Stand in awe, and sin not: commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still. Selah.
Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, and put your trust in the LORD.

-Psalm 4:3-5

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

sick days

(photo from

I have been sick for the last 8 days- my bed has seen the worse of it all.
Yesterday I thought I was feeling better and I decided to go to work, but throughout the day I knew that was a mistake. Needless to say I've been resting all day and really can not focus enough to write a post for this week. Hopefully by the end of this week (friday) I'll be able to post something.

Much Love!


Friday, February 28, 2014


I'm stuck in two ways - Stuck inside because it's raining outside and stuck on a passage in 2 Samuel. I'll have to wait until Patrick comes home to help me figure that one out.

So after reading Samuel I went on to read, Disciplines of a Godly Woman, a book I got from the bookshop at our church. It really focuses on Scripture and bringing ourselves under what Scripture says. I'm only on the second chapter... did I mention I am a painfully slow reader.

I believe Christians tend to lose the importance of the Gospel in their hearts and their day-to-day living. Just like living with your spouse, after some time you just get "use" to their presence and slowly forget how much they mean to you. When they take a week long trip that's when you realize how much you miss and appreciate them. In a similar case I think we react to the scriptures that we've read or heard frequently into the "I know this one" category in our mind - whereas a new believer (as should we) finds the "wonder" in those scriptures that we take for granted.

The example given in this book is John 3:16. "For God . . . so loved . . . the world . . . that He . . . gave . . . His one . . . and only . . . Son . . . that whoever . . . believes . . . in him . . . shall not perish . . . but have eternal life." If your like me, I've memorized verse when I was younger and I tend to naturally want it to flow fast, but when I read it slowly and really let it soak in it really is an amazing thing being said!

So I hope today, that you and I will really take in what God's word is saying - and that we would see in Scripture what the Gospel is according to God's word (not a "gospel" according to our own ideas or opinions).

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A Comparison

1 Samuel 27-31

I think we've all done it, you know, when you have an itching issue and you go to someone for advice. There is that one (or more than one) someone(s) that you always talk to. Sometimes Most of the time I can't even make it to my car without picking up my phone to call my sister/mom/husband.

Ring, Ring. "Hey Sis, what do you think about...."

Not that this is necessarily wrong, but it's also not the right first coarse of action. Instead, we should take David's example to heart and seek the Lord first before the council of others. In Chpt 23 when David saw that the Philistines were attacking the Jews in Keilah, He went to God and asked Him what he should do. So we should also go to God first. 

In contrast to this, Saul was always seeking the approval and guidance from man, and in Chpt 28  Saul even becomes desperate and seeks a witch so he could try and get in touch with Samuel (who died).  When he found out he (saul) would die with his sons the next day, this news made him so distraught and weak that he didn't get off the floor of this place for a long time. 

David, in Chpt 30, went to God before pursuing the Amelikites, and it says he built his strength upon God. 
In God alone can we find our strength - a strength that doesn't fail us. 

So this week, before you run to the aid of other's opinions/ approvals / support. Go to God. 

There is so much in these chapters and this is just a portion of what stood out to me as I face another opportunity in my life. I can only hope to be as steadfast in my devotion to God that I would seek Him first in all areas of my life. 

God Bless! 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Journey through the Bible

In this journey I am nearing the end of 1 Samuel. In all honesty there were days that I relied on myself and did not read the Word. The rest of those days most of my time had been taken up in surviving studying the Laws (in Leviticus-Deuteronomy) and another good slow pace in Judges - sometimes only getting through half a chapter. Now I find myself going through two chapters at once in Samuel. I'm sure everyone is different, but for me reading one or two chapters in Samuel at a time allows me to see the greater picture. 

This is where I am at: 

David has just fled "King" Saul and takes refuge in a cave. Chapters 20-22. Here in the beginning, 21:1-6, David takes bread from the priest, Ahimelech. This was referenced by Jesus in Mark 21:23-28 when He and the disciples picked grain on the Sabbath. 

The rest of Chapter 21-22 basically shows how David fears man. I for one can relate to this fear. "What will they think?"At least David's fears (death), are more reasonable than my own. 

Fear God: Hebrews 12:29 "For our God is a consuming fire". If we honestly believed this and had a godly fear for Him, then why do we find ourselves hiding in the shadows of man's opinions?  Though we shouldn't be purposefully offensive in conversation or living (Hebrews 12:14), we should still put Christ before man. 

Knowing this... God is good, He is great, He is all powerful and He is righteous. We fear Him knowing His righteousness and we fear Him knowing the grace He has given to us through Jesus. There is nothing we can do to ever be good enough to be completely righteous through our own means. We can only accept His grace through faith in Jesus (that's why it's grace!). The same God who can save me can also strengthen me.  

Today I pray for courage, increased faith, for a godly fear, and for understanding of His grace in my life.