Saturday, January 29, 2011


(photo taken welcoming in the new year)

I love beginning new things. It is like an open door for opportunities and challenges that hopefully improve your skills, strengths, and personality in the end. I also believe God gives us new beginnings and He shows us through the simple things in life, that when we think we got a hold of something, we still mess up/ have our bad days. That doesn't mean we just give up or are back to where we started, it just means we are human. 
Lessons of His grace, mercy, love and forgiveness can certainly be found in everyday life. So this is the beginning of my adventures in the more artsy side of me. Along the way there will be many ups and downs..... ok, here we go! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just finished seeing all your fotos again and wow! I need to let you know which ones I like to download, I have several walls that are crying out "tamara's fotos" lvs mums

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