Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Crossing the Jordan

I've been spending the couple of months contemplating, what seems to me, to be one of my  major life decisions. Unlike times in the past, where I'd make a choice and leave it up to some board to decide praying that God would either close or open the door, this time it's my choice. Oh how I loath choices! I'm the type of person that wants to be 100% sure about something. If I cant be I want to be at least 95% sure. (example: It took me 4 months, countless trips to various cities, hours looking online all to pick out one couch... I haven't even gotten started on the side tables/chairs!)  

So I'm glad I'm not Joshua, honestly I'm more like the Israelites, "God are you SURE?". 

Joshua (chapters 3-4) had the tribes follow after the Arc of the Covenant when it passed. It led them to the Jordan river - which the Bible says was flooding at that time- The priests took a step in the river with the Arc and the waters seized to flow. This made for an easy crossing into the promise land.  However, it wasn't an easy task God asked them to do (to follow and trust in Him in crossing into a new land via raging river). Sometimes our choices or lots in life aren't easy, in my case both sides of my decision will mean I have to trust in God and neither circumstance in the end will be an easy one.  Can we trust in God? Most certainly! Is it easy... NO! 

The Arc of the Covenant is our picture of the Lord, and Israel had to make the choice to follow Him. Just like we do, out of trust, obedience and prayer.  We make our decisions based off what Scripture says. We trust that the Lord will help us and guide and make sure our decisions align with God's word. 

Right now, I can see how both sides of my decision line up with God's word, more so in one way than the other... 

Oh Praise God that in my life I will always be learning to rely on God, Praise God that I am able to serve Him in my life here below for whatever time I have and in whatever place I am.


Anonymous said...

Praise God Indeed for He is faithful and we can trust His promises because they rest on His perfect nature and character and He cannot lie...we will pray that He will make it clear through His Word the difference between worldly wisdom that says "this will work" and Godly wisdom which says this is "God's Best"! :) Mn Mom

Anonymous said...

Choices are hard when they both have Bibilical counseling involved. Though the coins may have "in God We Trust", I wish we could just flip the coin and if it lands on "In God We Trust" that's the direction we go on. : )
But when we trust our Him, we Trust Him (remain steadfast, belived, be confident, rely on Him).
He is the Author and the finsher of our Faith Regarding the path you should take.. I know that He Loves you soooo much He will guide you, as a Shepherd guides his sheeps. baaaah... mums

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